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Corporate Social responsibility Case Study

Case Title:
Fast-Food Retailers in the US: Still Going the Trans-Fat Way?
Publication Year : 2007
Authors: Kisholoy Roy
Industry: Retailing
Case Code: CSR0038K
Teaching Note: Not Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
Despite severe opposition from several health organizations and certain sections of the US population against the use of cooking oils containing trans-fats, fast-food restaurants in the US had been found to continue with the business practice. It had been observed that though the fast-food retailers had been positive about switching to healthier cooking oils, they had failed to implement any strategy in that direction due to certain critical operational constraints. Moreover, they were concerned about the taste of their signature menu items which if got altered might negatively impact their revenues. However, with the New York City’s Board of Health’s ban, the retailers were supposed to switch to healthier cooking oils and eliminate trans-fats in totality from their menu within a specific time frame
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To study the various ill-effects of trans-fats on the US population in general
- To analyse the various reasons that discouraged the fast-food retailers in offering non-trans-fat menu items
- To debate the reasonability of the time frame proposed to the fast-food retailers to offer non-trans-fat alternatives to their customers.
Keywords : Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study Fast Foods, Trans-fat, McDonald's, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), Fried chicken, French fries, Cholesterol, Diabetes, American ethnic groups, Obesity, Kraft Foods, FDA (Food and Drug Administration), Yum! Brands, Lawsuits, Crisco
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